I’ve never really kept track of the on-going rivalry or even taken an interest until I opened up The Sun and found Tesco’s latest ad saying “The Asda Price Guarantee? We think it’s bananas crackers or even nuts. Not to mention bread cheese potatoes milk eggs loo roll bin bags or even Lady Gaga.” This was accompanied with pictures and prices lower in comparison to Asda. (Image will be added soon).
So let's have a look at the humble beginnings of the pricing comparison fiasco.
Asda rolls up their sleeves and takes a huge swipe at all their rivals in one-go while making Tesco look the least price friendly. Bear in mind that this advert was banned for being misleading. Hit or miss?
Tesco makes this personal, singles out Asda as their main competitor and declares war. Message received although Asda was quick to run to daddy a.k.a Advertising Standards Agency and it is Tesco's turn to get a telling off for misleading advertising. An eye for an eye.
What an interesting approach. Played it simple with a short word-stab with "No clubcards", cheeky but many would have accepted message as Asda saying they don't want to play games and would rather let the prices do the talking. Nicely played.
I don't know but I'm struggling to see if this advert actually appeals to shoppers at all. It seems Tesco wanted to be creative but ended up being statistical and boring with this weak contribution to the price comparison war. Pie Charts next time?
I can go on forever but I unfortunately lack the resources to collect all the adverts and put them into chronological order. I will surely update you with the latest adverts as these titans go all out but this game of chess has become tedious when concerning regular shoppers. Price comparison has been outdated and supermarkets are overdosing, Asda's price guarantee has been done before but at least they have reduced the number count. Tesco's current ad statements slating the price guarantee can be labelled as childish while at the same time Sainsburys wins supermarket retailer of the festive season taking huge chunks of the market share. I guess it is not all about the prices lads.