Monday 20 December 2010

The T-Mobile Welcome Back

What a great idea, what a great advert campaign. You know you have made a decent advert when it gets everyone smiling again, who can deny that is a true piece of art. It may have caused ‘some’ nuisances to people in a rush at the airport but from my bedroom chair it got me humming and I couldn’t resist clicking replay again and again.

This perfectly reflects T-mobile’s tagline ‘Life’s for sharing’ as most people would have loved to be there to share the moment with these talented, instrument-less musicians. The Liverpool Street T-mobile dance as well was followed by the Silent Flash Mobbing event which involved random people meeting up at Liverpool Street to perform their dance routines whilst listening to their own music with their headphones. This just shows the creative impact ‘Life’s for Sharing’ ads have had in the U.K. Nice job T-mobile.

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